Friday 3 April 2009

PhotoShop Pics - G7

Aye, my first gif image

cute noodle eating machine

She's a noodle eating machine hahaha

Exchanged my camera for a Wii remote

running low on ammo, maybe if i flash them birds they might drop some

Freeze! I said freeze *bang bang
(James misses and runs due to low ammo)

Well these take more than 8 hours but totally worth it, YES I'm a Resident Evil fan, I especially like RE4, Leon is un-defeatable with his awesome round house kicks and my favorite suplex.

Though its strange how Leon gets pistol ammo from villages that use primitive weapons like pitch forks and axes. Also who is the mysterious Merchant? How does he get around undetected, untroubled by the villagers? Also how is it that crows drop ammo and granades, even money when flashed with a flash granade . Anyways, a game is a game, love it or hate it; I love it.

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